Warren Times Gazette

The local Warren Times Gazette has been in publication since 1826 in one form or another. It holds historical value for our community as a chronicle to the many events and people that have impacted the town of Warren, RI. The library has a variety of ways for you to access this information.
The Library of Congress has digitized the original newspaper, the Northern Star. It is available on their website, Chronicling America
1993 - 2010
At the moment, we only have hard copies of these issues of the Gazette at the library. Please call the library at 401-245-7686 if you need a specific article.
The library has digitized the local paper. From the 1860s to 1977, we're offering remote online access to our patrons
2010 - Present
The library has a subscription to the Warren Gazette, which gives us access to their online content. This is in-library only. Please visit us for assistance.
Due to copyright laws, the Warren Gazette is available online at the library only. Please visit us to access this portion of the newspaper.
Most Recent Issues
The library holds the most recent copies of the paper. Since it is such a popular item, we store it behind the circulation desk. Please ask a librarian if you would like to read it at the library.