Access to Library Materials
To establish policy guidelines for hours of service, registration for library cards, circulation of library materials, interlibrary loans, fees and fines.
As a member of OSL (Ocean State Libraries) Consortium, the George Hail Library will comply with their policies regarding circulation and interlibrary loan. In accordance with the Library Bill of Rights, access to all Library materials will be available to all patrons regardless of age.
Hours of Service
The library is open 53 hours per week.
Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Registration for Library Card
All Rhode Islanders, regardless of age, may register for a library card. OSL offers free reciprocal borrowing privileges to all members. Out of state residents may register for a card but should be aware that OSL libraries charge a non-resident fee of $200.00 per year.
If someone chooses not to pay the fee, they may be eligible for a local use only card which allows them access only to materials owned by the George Hail Library.
When applying for a card we require:
a. Current identification, preferably a photo id, and proof of current address.
b. A parent’s or guardian’s signature on all children’s applications through age 13.
c. Current identification and proof of address from the parent or guardian.
d. $1.00 fee will be charged for replacement of lost cards.
Registration Procedures
a. The OSL circulation system will be checked to be sure a card was not previously issued to that patron.
b. If a card was not previously issued, a card will be issued to the patron without charge.
c. If a previously issued card has fines over $5.00, overdue or lost materials, the card can be used after the patron resolves the issues.
d. If a card was previously issued and is lost, and the record is free of fines and charges, or has fines less than $5.00, the patron will be charged $1 for a replacement card.
Loan Period and Number of Materials Loaned
Books, audio books, and television series, circulate for 3 weeks and may renew up to two times if no one has placed a hold on it.
Magazines, music cds and dvds circulate for 1 week and may renew up to two times if no one has placed a hold on it. Museum passes circulate for 2 days.
The George Hail Library does not specifically limit the number of items that can be checked out, but does adhere to the parameter as established by OSL of 99 items per patron.
Reference books, newspapers and microforms do not circulate.
Books and other library materials not available in the library's collection may be borrowed from other Rhode Island public libraries. All borrowed items are subject to the rules and regulations of that library. Only patrons with valid library cards may request materials through the inter-library loan system. If a card has lost and/or overdue items or fines more than $5.00, borrowed materials will be checked out once such issues are resolved.
Renewals are automatic through the online system. A computer generated notice will be sent to a patron if an item can not be renewed. Renewals may be made over the phone or in person, with or without the materials being present, if the item has not been placed on hold by another patron.
Patron renewals can also be done by accessing the online catalog.
Most overdue items are fine-free, but some libraries still charge fines. George Hail Library is fine free, with the exception of portable phone chargers and science kits. If you pick up an item from George Hail that belongs to a different library, it might be subject to fines.
Some overdue books and magazines are fined $.10 per day, with a maximum of $6 per item.
Some overdue dvds are fined at a rate of $.10 per day, with a maximum of $10 per item.
Some overdue museum passes are fined at a rate of $1.00 per day.
Charges for lost or damaged library materials owned by the George Hail Library are based on replacement costs. Patrons may donate replacement copies of lost library materials, subject to the approval of the Director. Refunds may be made subject to the approval of the Director, if lost material is returned within 30 days of payment.
Lost items that are owned by other libraries are subject to the owning library’s rules.
Overdue Materials Procedures
Overdue notices of materials are sent via phone and email.
Once the circulation marks an item as billed, the patron is sent via email or delivered mail a bill for replacement of the item(s).
Hold Requests and Interlibrary Loan Procedures
Patrons may place a hold on any OSL item by submitting a hold request to the staff or by placing a hold themselves using the online catalog.
A patron may make as many as 25 hold requests at one time on their record, per OSL policy.
If requested material is not available through OSL, the Reference Librarian will search other library databases, such as the LORI in-state network and First Search, to set up an interlibrary loan.
Materials obtained through non OSL libraries will be loaned for 3 weeks once they are checked out, unless otherwise stipulated by the loaning library.
Requests filled will incur a charge of $2.00 to help defray the cost of mailing the item back.
The George Hail Library will fill requests from non-OSL libraries for circulating items in a timely manner and according to established protocol by LORI (Libraries of Rhode Island.)
No fees will be charged for faxing.
A fee of $0.15 per page will be charged for black and white printing from the public computers as well as the microfilm reader and photocopier.
A fee of $0.50 per page will be charged for color printing.