eBooks and Audiobooks
Visit the the Ocean State Library eZone link here.
Please note that Overdrive has been discontinued. If you currently use the legacy OverDrive app and need assistance, visit https://help.overdrive.com.
For more information, see the lending policies below, and please call the library with any questions.
Register for a one-on-one tutorial session to learn how!
OSL eZone Library Lending Policies
You can check out up to 8 titles. The lending period can vary from title to title. You can adjust your default lending periods in Settings in your Account.
Returning & Renewing
Some titles can be returned before they expire. For more information about returning books, see this Overdrive help page. You can renew books once, within 3 days of the due date. If a book has a waiting list, you will be placed at the end of the list. There are no overdue or late fees on the OSL EZone.
Up to 4 titles can be placed on hold at one time. We'll send you an email when a title becomes available. You have 72 hours to check out your hold after we email you notice that it is available.
You can cancel a hold by following these steps…
Login to your Account.
Click the Holds link.
Click a title's Remove button to cancel the hold
You can change the email address that you entered when you placed a hold as follows…
Login to your Account.
Click the Holds link.
Click a title's Edit button.
Enter the new email address in the 'Email address' and 'Confirm Email address' fields.
Click Update to update the email address for the selected title.
You can create a “Wish List” of titles you want to read in the future. Add titles to your wish list by clicking on the Wish List ribbon. You can view your Wish List at any time by clicking on Lists in your Account. You can also view your Rated titles and Recommended titles in your Lists.
New Library Card Numbers
If you were issued a new library card number and need to transfer your checkouts and holds to your new account, please contact your library. Be sure to include your new library card number, your old library card number, and your email address.

Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started for new users and a streamlined experience for current OverDrive app users. Learn more at overdrive.com/apps/libby/.
Libby, by OverDrive